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The Importance of Sleep and sleep misconceptions.

Whilst asleep our bodies, especially babies and children bodies are growing and repairing physically and mentally. Our immune systems are strengthened, as are positive, happy feelings and moods. Sleep helps us to stay alert and encourages healthy appetites. As well as all that our brains are processing all that we've learnt that day, which is a huge amount for tiny tots.

"Less sleep in the day means more at night"

An overtired baby is likely to be fussy and unable to settle so they are unlikely to sleep well and to wake up more often.

"My child needs less sleep than other children"

They may of become accustomed to less sleep, but they will be operating on adrenaline and energy reserves. Which can make them hyperactive, so less likely to sleep well. It can also have implications on health and growth, as well as leading them to suffer from ADHD or hyper activity.

"They were such a good sleeper until about 4/5 months old"

Notice clues your baby is ready to drop a night feed. They will be hard to wake, reluctant to feed and start to fall asleep before the feed is finished. Babies who continue to be woken for a feed when they do not want it can develop disrupted sleep patterns.

"They aren't interested in milk anymore"

Once a baby is weened, at about 6 months. They should be receiving enough nutrition to not need feeding during the night and should sleep for 12 hours. They should still be drinking around 32 ounces during the day. If your baby is having milk at night they will be full up so not drinking it in the day.

"Babies are adaptable and fall asleep anywhere"

Like all of us, babies function better with a flexible routine. When you are first starting to implement your routine it is best to stay close to home until it is established.

"Sleepless nights is part of parenting"

Once a baby has stopped feeding at night they should be sleeping through. Letting poor sleep habits to continue can mean your child having bad sleeping habits for life. The earlier it is addressed, the easier it is to sort out.

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