About Kate and sweet dreams tiny tots
Certified Baby and Child Sleep Consultant
When we are asleep we alternate through different sleep cycles, from which we often somewhat rouse. This isn't a problem if you are use to settling yourself to sleep. But little ones can often fully wake up and then require their usual help and input from adults to go back to sleep. For example being fed or rocked. Once a baby is weened, at around 6 months, they should be receiving enough nutrition during the day to not need feeding at night and therefore should be sleeping through for about 12 hours. The trouble is they often don't realise this naturally, so we need to help them realise this and to change their routine. By showing your child they are in fact capable of falling happily back to sleep by themselves you are giving them a great gift. Good sleep results in a happy relaxed child who eats, plays and sleeps well.
Once our circadian rhythm, 24 hour body clock, is set it takes on average around 5 days to change to a new routine. Although most families will see an improvement within a couple of days. This is also very dependent on how consistent you are in following the sleep plan and at implementing new routines. Before you undertake a consultation and make any changes you need to feel ready and comfortable in order to carry out the sleep plan and for it to work correctly. I will explain different sleep techniques, and support you while you implement your chosen one, so you feel confident and calm. Little ones are very good at picking up on how you feel so it is important that you portray this to them. Having a flexible day and bedtime routine will help you and your child with this. As they will understand what is coming next and respond automatically.
My Philosophy
I have supported many families over the years to establish day and bedtime routines which help everyone. But especially babies and children to feel loved, safe and secure. It also gives them an understanding of what is coming next, how to behave and what is expected of them so they are more calm and comfortable. Simple little things like always saying the same thing or singing a special sleep time song can be so beneficial. Babies may not understand the words but they will recognise the tone of your voice and understand the meaning. I have sung 'you are my sunshine' to all the children I have looked after before they went to sleep. When I babysit for them many years later they still ask me to sing it to them and are very sleepy and peaceful by the end.
I knew that I wanted to look after and care for babies and children when I was three and half years old. My baby brother had just been born and I was instantly in love with him. I wanted to hold him constantly and do everything for him.
To achieve a high level of childcare qualification, I undertook a BTEC National Diploma in childhood studies. After qualifying I worked in a day nursery before becoming a nanny. Which I really enjoy, as you get to build such a wonderful and close relationship with the children. Watching them grow up and helping to shape the person they become is an incredibly important and special job. Over the years I have helped many families to overcome various sleep issues. Including settling to sleep, night waking, nightmares, head banging, early wakings. In order to help even more families I have trained professionally as a sleep consultant.